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Title [Fairbridge Society diamond jubilee dinner] [motion picture].
Published/Produced s.n., 1969.

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Physical description 1 film reel (3 min.) : silent, colour ; 16 mm.
1 film reel : si., col. ; 16 mm. ; acetate ; Picture Dupe Negative.
Series [State Film Archives collection]
Notes Acetate ; Picture Print.
Summary Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Gloucester attends the Fairbridge Society Diamond Jubilee Dinner. Other guests include the chairman of the Fairbridge Society, Lord Carrington, G.P. Wild (Agent General for W.A.) and Rear Admiral M.A. Stirling. The dinner was held at the English Speaking Union, London. Toasts and speeches are shown.
Subjects Carrington, Peter Alexander Rupert Carington, Baron, 1919-
Wild, Gerald Percy, 1907-
Alice, Duchess of Gloucester, 1901 -2004.
Stirling, M. A.
Fairbridge Society.