9781934019177 |
Physical description |
xiii, 346 p. : ill. |
Contents |
Critical moments in childhood development: the Zurich fit model / Remo H. Largo and Caroline Benz-Castellano -- Developmental psychopathology in early childhood : interdisciplinary challenges / Franz Resch -- Facts and figures : database of the Munich Interdisciplinary Research and Intervention Program for Fussy Babies / Harald Wurmser and Mechthild Papoušek -- Disorders of behavioral and emotional regulation : clinical evidence for a new diagnostic concept / Mechthild Papoušek -- Excessive crying in infancy / Margaret Ziegler, Ruth Wollwerth de Chuquisengo, and Mechthild Papoušek -- Sleep disorders : current results and clinical experience / Michael Schieche, Claudia Rupprecht, and Mechthild Papoušek -- Feeding disorders and failure to thrive in infants and toddlers / Nikolaus Von Hofacker, Mechthild Papoušek, and Harald Wurmser -- |
Clinging, romping, throwing tantrums : disorders of behavioral and emotional regulation in older infants and toddlers / Mechthild Papoušek and Nikolaus Von Hofacker -- Evaluation of behavior therapy approaches to crying, feeding, and sleep disorders / Klaus Sarimski -- "Ghosts in the bedroom" : psychodynamic aspects of the treatment of sleep disorders / Renate Barth -- Ghosts at the dining table : psychodynamic aspects of the treatment of feeding disorders / Tamara Jacubeit -- Integrative communication-centered parent-infant counseling and psychotherapy : the Munich model / Ruth Wollwerth de Chuquisengo and Mechthild Papoušek -- Long-term risks of persistent excessive crying in infants / Harald Wurmser, Mechthild Papoušek, and Nikolaus Von Hofacker -- Problems of behavioral and emotional regulation : precursors to psychiatric disorders in later childhood? / Manfred Laucht, Martin H. Schmidt, and Günther Esser -- Dysphoric fussiness and disinterest in play in infancy : precursors or early manifestations of ADHD? / Mechthild Papoušek. |
Subjects |
Infant Behavior -- psychology.
Parent-Child Relations.
Object Attachment.
Related names |
Papousek, Mechthild.
Schieche, Michael.
Wurmser, Harald.