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Uniform Title Regulationsstorungen der fruhen Kindheit. English.
Title Disorders of behavioral and emotional regulation in the first years of life : early risks and intervention in the developing parent-infant relationship / Mechthild Papoušsek, Michael Schieche, and Harald Wurmser (eds.) ; translated by Kenneth Kronenberg.
Published/Produced Washington, DC : Zero to Three, c2008.
Book Cover

 KEMH Department  WS 105.5.F2 DIS 2008    NOT FOR LOAN  Mother Baby Unit  
 CAHS Medical Library  WM 460.5.O2 DIS 2008    AVAILABLE  


ISBN 9781934019177
Physical description xiii, 346 p. : ill.
Contents Critical moments in childhood development: the Zurich fit model / Remo H. Largo and Caroline Benz-Castellano -- Developmental psychopathology in early childhood : interdisciplinary challenges / Franz Resch -- Facts and figures : database of the Munich Interdisciplinary Research and Intervention Program for Fussy Babies / Harald Wurmser and Mechthild Papoušek -- Disorders of behavioral and emotional regulation : clinical evidence for a new diagnostic concept / Mechthild Papoušek -- Excessive crying in infancy / Margaret Ziegler, Ruth Wollwerth de Chuquisengo, and Mechthild Papoušek -- Sleep disorders : current results and clinical experience / Michael Schieche, Claudia Rupprecht, and Mechthild Papoušek -- Feeding disorders and failure to thrive in infants and toddlers / Nikolaus Von Hofacker, Mechthild Papoušek, and Harald Wurmser --
Clinging, romping, throwing tantrums : disorders of behavioral and emotional regulation in older infants and toddlers / Mechthild Papoušek and Nikolaus Von Hofacker -- Evaluation of behavior therapy approaches to crying, feeding, and sleep disorders / Klaus Sarimski -- "Ghosts in the bedroom" : psychodynamic aspects of the treatment of sleep disorders / Renate Barth -- Ghosts at the dining table : psychodynamic aspects of the treatment of feeding disorders / Tamara Jacubeit -- Integrative communication-centered parent-infant counseling and psychotherapy : the Munich model / Ruth Wollwerth de Chuquisengo and Mechthild Papoušek -- Long-term risks of persistent excessive crying in infants / Harald Wurmser, Mechthild Papoušek, and Nikolaus Von Hofacker -- Problems of behavioral and emotional regulation : precursors to psychiatric disorders in later childhood? / Manfred Laucht, Martin H. Schmidt, and Günther Esser -- Dysphoric fussiness and disinterest in play in infancy : precursors or early manifestations of ADHD? / Mechthild Papoušek.
Subjects Infant Behavior -- psychology.
Parent-Child Relations.
Object Attachment.
Related names Papousek, Mechthild.
Schieche, Michael.
Wurmser, Harald.