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Vol. 1, no. 1 (8 July 1918)-v. 2, no 574 (18 Mar. 1920).
1918 issues bound with title Meekatharra miner.
First issue Tuesday 8 July 1918? Weekly broadsheet issues are a summary of daily sheets published in one quarter size of broadsheet.
Publication date of weekly broadsheet issues varies: weekly on Friday until 16 Jan. 1920; then weekly on Thursday from 22 Jan. 1920.
Only hold daily sheets from v. 2, no. 510 (3 Jan. 1920)-v. 2, no. 573 (17 Mar. 1920).
"Printed and published for The Telegraph Printing and Publishing Company Ltd. Stephen Thorne Upham, at Meekatharra, in the State of Western Australia." (v. 1, no. 1 (8 July 1918) and v. 2, no 674 (18 Mar. 1920)).
Additional formats
Available on microfilm.
Distribution area: Meekatharra; Murchison; Pilbarra (Pilbara); Nannine; Cue; Geraldton.